Nominate individuals for the 2022 OCSA Awards.  Closes October 1.

Enter the name of the individual you are nominating.  Also please include why you are nominating them for the award if you feel like sharing. We'd love to hear!

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* 1. Sailor of the Year: This trophy is for the individual that has gone beyond the call of duty in their contributions to the sailing community

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* 2. Good Times: The sailor who always seems to have had the most infectious good time

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* 3. Welcome Slough: A new sailor who has put forth extra effort to be involved in the sailing community.

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* 4. US Sailing Sportsmanship: Awarded to the individual who has exhibited Corinthian sportsmanship both on and off the water

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* 5. Are you a member of OCSA (you don't need to be a member to nominate/vote)

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* 6. Your Name