
Thank you for participating in the consultation phase of the pharmacy and medicines management capability framework.  Before proceeding please download the draft documents  (Capability frameworks overview and definitions, and the Pharmacy and medicines management capability framework) and read them, in order to provide us with your feedback on the following questions:

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* 1. What is your overall impression of the framework?

not at all useful extremely useful
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 2. Do you have any general remarks or overview comments about the whole document?

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* 3. In general are you satisfied that the descriptors across the framework levels are accurate?

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* 4. Do you have any comments regarding the content of the introduction section of the framework?

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* 5. Are there specific levels of the framework you would like to provide feedback on? (please tick all that apply)

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* 6. Do you have specific comments about the service description section/s of the framework (please identify the level you are referring to)?

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* 7. Do you have specific comments about the clinical workforce section/s of the framework (please identify the level you are referring to)?

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* 8. Do you have specific comments about the clinical support services section/s of the framework (please identify the level you are referring to)?

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* 9. Do you have specific comments about the equipment and infrastructure section/s of the framework (please identify the level you are referring to)?

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* 10. Do you have specific comments about the clinical governance section/s of the framework  (please identify the level you are referring to)?

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* 11. Can you recommend any specific data sources, or existing processes that could be utilised to evaluate/validate the requirements of each level of the framework?

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* 12. What is your stakeholder perspective on the frameworks?  Are you a (please tick all that apply)

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* 13. Thank you for your feedback.  If you would like to contribute to further developments of this framework, please provide your contact details below.

For assistance or to submit a question or comment in relation to this consultation process, please email by Monday 11 November 2019.