SYNOD QUESTION 2: Evaluating the Situation
a) Young people, the Church and Society

These questions refer both to young people who take part in Church programs, as well as those who do not take part or have no interest to participate.

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* 1. In what manner does the Church listen to the lived situations of young people?

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* 2. What are the main challenges and most significant opportunities for young people in your country (USA) today?

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* 3. What kinds and places of group gatherings of youth, institutionalized or otherwise, have a major success within the Church, and why?

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* 4. What kinds and places of group gatherings of youth, institutionalized or otherwise, have a major success outside the Church, and why?

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* 5. What do young people really ask of the Church in your country today?

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* 6. What possibilities for participation exist in your country for young people to take part in the life of the ecclesial community?

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* 7. How and what manner is contact made with young people who do not frequent Church surroundings?