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* 1. How long have you been a member of the NHCC

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* 2. RIDE LEVEL: Please indicate which Level you choose to participate in the most this past season

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* 3. PACE & EFFORT: Please select the statement(s) that best describes how you would most like to experience NHCC rides (you may choose more than one)

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* 4. GOALS & INTERESTS: Which of the following are you most interested in achieving within the NHCC?

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* 5. RIDE DAY/TIME: Please select the day/times when you most prefer to ride (you may choose more than one)

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* 6. If you are NOT riding with the Club as often as you might like, why not?

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* 7. What do you like most about the NHCC?

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* 8. What changes would most improve the NHCC?

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* 9. SAFETY: How would you rate the NHCCs on-road safety practices?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments, questions, concerns or suggestions?