I want my child to have a great school year!
I want to help decide how PTO fundraising monies are spent.
I want all the students to be successful.
I want to make a difference in the lives of the students.
If the above statements are true, then "help us help the school". Parent involvement is critical for a successful school, so volunteer as a PTO officer or committee chair (committee chairs will be listed and assigned in the future) for the 2021-2022 school year. There are jobs that take no more than a couple of hours a month, some that are seasonal, and a few that require a routine commitment.

Dedicated teachers, staff, and PARENTS help make Brunswick Middle School a great school! Join us - it's rewarding, it's important, and it's even fun!

It’s important to have a strong parent organization for our middle school and we’re asking our parents to strongly consider taking advantage of becoming a board member for the BMS PTO.  All that’s needed is a willingness to be a member of the BMS PTO and a collaborative spirit focused on providing the best for our loved ones at the school. 

If you are interested in one or multiple positions, please put your name and contact information down for the position/s that you would like along with your phone number, email, and your experience for that position. All positions can be a cooperative position. If you have no experience but would like to learn a position, we will help you.  We are a team that works together to get things done.  We NEED you in order to be a successful PTO.  Take that step!  Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make our Brunswick Middle School PTO great for our kids and teachers!

If you have any questions, please email BMSnomcom@gmail.com.

All nominations must be turned in Tuesday, March 16, 2021.   Nominees will be announced at our virtual on Monday, April 5th at 6:30PM.  We will introduce the candidates and let each one speak. We will then create a survey in Survey Monkey and any paid PTO member can vote.  We will then announce the new board and install them at the May meeting.

Question Title

* 1. President: The President shall: *(Previous Experience Preferred)
Oversee all activity and accounts of the PTO.
President or Treasurer will open PTO mail and distribute it to the appropriate person and let treasurer know if there is money to be deposited.
Coordinate dates for all events and submit to Principal for approval.
Preside at all general and executive meetings of the organization and type the agenda for each meeting.
Coordinate the work of the officers of the organization in order that the objectives may be promoted, and shall perform such duties as may be necessary.
When necessary, have correspondence approved by the Principal.
Appoint an Audit committee consisting of three members. Cannot be the President or Treasurer on this committee.
Keep a list of all officers, committee chairs and members of the association.
Keep a copy of Bylaws at every meeting.

Question Title

* 2. 1st Vice President: The 1st Vice President shall:
-Act as an aide to the President.
-Perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer   to act.
-Be in charge of the Washington DC fundraiser and dispersing funds when   needed to.  If no Washington DC trip occurs then said monies will be spent on   the 8th graders and 1st Vice will work with a committee to do so along with   the 2nd Vice President of 8th grade.
-The Vice President shall be the resource person in matters pertaining to the   By-Laws, and Parliamentary Procedures, and shall perform such duties as may be delegated.
-organize the Washington DC Fundraiser with Butter Braids and help disperse   funds for the trip.  In the event that trip is cancelled then oversee how the   monies for that trip shall be spent on the 8th graders.
-Keep a copy of Bylaws at every meeting.
-Keep a list of all officers, committee chairs and members of the association.

Question Title

* 3. 2nd Vice Presidents: The 2nd Vice President of 6th grade shall:
Secure and maintain communication with the teacher representative of the grade they are 2nd Vice President for.
Keep President informed on what’s going on per grade.
Coordinate planning and execution of activities that is held by the 6th grade (6th grade dance/festival in October).
Create a committee and hold the chair for each activity for the 6th grade if necessary.

Question Title

* 4. 2nd Vice Presidents: The 2nd Vice President of 7th grade shall:
Secure and maintain all communication with the teacher representative of the grade they are 2nd Vice President for.
Keep President informed on what’s going on per grade.
Coordinate planning and execution of activities that is held by the 7thgrade (7thgrade dance/festival in December/January).
Create a committee and hold the chair for each activity for the 6th grade if necessary.

Question Title

* 5. 2nd Vice Presidents: The 2nd Vice President of 8th grade shall:
Secure and maintain all communication with the teacher representative of the grade they are 2nd Vice President for.
Keep President informed on what’s going on per grade.
Coordinate planning and execution of activities that is held by the 8thgrade (8th grade dance/festival in /April/May/June and graduation ceremony).
Create a committee and hold the chair for each activity for the 8th grade if necessary.

Question Title

* 6. Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall:
Create sign-in sheet for meeting.
Record the minutes of all meetings, type them up, have them approved and then distribute them to the officers within 2 weeks.
If there is to be a vote at a meeting, verify the attendees that are voting at the meeting are current members.
Have a current copy of the By-Laws.
Keep a list of all officers, committee chairs and members of the association.

Question Title

* 7. Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall:
Manage and maintain the correspondence of this organization that is not specific to any office or committee.
Act on behalf of our PTO for  school staff, PTO officers and committee chairs (i.e., illness, deaths, congratulations, etc.) after consulting with Executive Board.
Updating Facebook, Twitter and any other social media platforms this PTO uses with all activities, fundraisers, meetings, etc.

Question Title

* 8. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
Secure and maintain non-profit status for the organization (i.e. tax exemption letter for the Federal Government) and file the annual Federal Informational Tax Return.
Secure and maintain tax exempt status (in the form of cards and/or letters) in order to avoid the payment of sales tax on approved purchases made by the organization.
Have custody of the funds of the organization.
Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. Treasurer must receive a Check Reimbursement Form and receipt in order to reimburse the purchaser.  Treasurer will reimburse within 10 business days.
Receive all monies and deposit in the organizations account on a weekly basis.
Make disbursements as authorized by the President and the Executive Board in accordance with the budget adopted by the organization.
Send an invoice to anyone issuing a NSF check and bill them for the NSF fee and amount originally owed.
Make copies and present a current financial statement (updated as of 3 days before general meeting) at every general meeting or if requested by a member.
Make an annual report at the May General Meeting.
Responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records, and other pertinent filings, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated.
The Treasurer’s accounts shall be examined at the end of December and June or at the least, annually at the end of the fiscal year by an auditing committee. The auditing committee will be selected by the Executive Board and will include three (3) members of the PTO. Cannot be the President or Treasurer on this committee.
For a period of two (2) weeks, commencing on June 10, no financial transactions will take place. This designated “down time” will allow time for any outstanding transactions to clear, and the books to be readied for the next year.
PTO funds shall be kept separate from school funds.
In order for the Treasurer to do her/his job adequately, receipts for purchases made on behalf of the PTO must be submitted to the Treasurer along with a Check Reimbursement Form within thirty (30) days of the purchase(s) date so that the Treasurer may be able to maintain accurate records on behalf of the PTO.