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* 1. Please select one of the following:

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* 3. Name:

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* 5. Title:

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* 6. School District:

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* 7. Business Telephone Number (with extension, if applicable):

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* 8. Mobile Telephone Number:

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* 9. Most board members will serve in a general capacity, with the exception of a president-elect (first of a three-year term) and a secretary/treasurer. If elected to the board, select ALL the position(s) in which you are interested:

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* 10. Describe in detail how your professional leadership strength will benefit the governance of TCASE:

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* 11. What strategic changes in direction do you think the association should embrace to better serve the needs of our members and special education in Texas?

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* 12. Provide a description of your past and current contributions to TCASE, such as committee work, task force work, witness testimony:

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* 13. What else do you want to share with members to help them evaluate you as a candidate?

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* 14. How many years have you been a member of TCASE?

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* 15. How many years have you been a director of special education (or assistant superintendent with responsibility over special education)?

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