Post Powerpoint Pedagogy for the 21st Century Post PowerPoint Pedagogy Survey Question Title * 1. In what types of contexts do you teach? Face to face large lectures Face to face small groups (less than 20 students) Fully online classes Blended: a mix of online and face to face teaching Practical sessions such as Labs Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Is a presentation tool such as Powerpoint or Keynote your main teaching tool? Yes No Question Title * 3. What are your main reasons for using a presentation tool such as Powerpoint or Keynote in teaching? It looks professional It focuses attention I know how to use it I have invested significant time in developing my slides Students ask for Powerpoint/Keynote The institutions AV systems support the use of Powerpoint/Keynote It is a de facto standard My Department requires it I use alternative presentation tools Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What are the key disadvantages of a presentation tool such as Powerpoint use in lectures? Students must have a copy of Powerpoint/Keynote to view my slides Embedding multimedia is difficult Differences in the experience on different computer platforms: Mac & PC... It is not very mobile friendly It is teacher-centred Designing good slides takes effort Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. In your opinion does a presentation tool such as Powerpoint reinforce a particular pedagogy? If so what? Yes No Powerpoint Pedagogy: Question Title * 6. What tools do you regularly use in lectures? Choose all that apply. Keynote PowerPoint Slideshare Prezi I use the LMS (e.g. Blackboard, Moodle...) live Evernote Wordpress Wiki Flickr Facebook Instagram Twitter Blogs Adobe Spark Other mobile Apps Other Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What type of interactive and collaborative tools do you use to facilitate student interaction? Polls Mind Mapping Oral questions Group work Twitter Padlet Wiki Google Docs Blogs Online Surveys Video Streaming Video Chats Instant Messaging Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. What learning theories and frameworks do you associate your own teaching practice with? Please select all those that apply from the following, and comment on your preferred order of importance. Constructivism - learning is built upon prior knowledge and extended Social constructivism - learning is essentially a social collaborative process extended by more experienced peers Constructionism - knowledge is essentially relative and constructed Behaviorism - rote elearning emphasising memory recall Connectivism - emphasises network creation rather than content delivery Rhizomatic learning - a decentralised explorative model of learning Cognitivism - learning is a process of creating neural connections Conversational framework - a Socratic model of questioning & answering between lecturer and student SAMR framework (A continuum from Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, through to Redefinition) Pedagogy 2.0 - teaching and learning that is user-centric, collaborative, and makes use of social media Constructive Alignment - Bigg's concept of aligning learning activities, goals, and assessment appropriately Problem Based Learning - based around real world problem solving scenarios Design Thinking - a cycle of exploration, design, prototyping, evaluation Authentic Learning - theory and practice are aligned through real world scenarios Learner Generated Contexts - learning is designed around student discovery Situated Learning - an apprenticeship model of learning Cognitive Load Theory - learning is designed to minimise cognitive overload List your preferred order of importance of the key learning theories and frameworks. Question Title * 9. What is your personal philosophy of teaching and learning? Please write a paragraph that articulates your philosophy. Question Title * 10. Where would you place your teaching approach on a continuum from teacher directed Pedagogy, student-centred Andragogy, to student directed Heutagogy? Pedagogy Andragogy Heutagogy Pedagogy - Andragogy - Heutagogy Continuum Pedagogy - Andragogy - Heutagogy Continuum Pedagogy Pedagogy - Andragogy - Heutagogy Continuum Andragogy Pedagogy - Andragogy - Heutagogy Continuum Heutagogy Done