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* 1. Do you have an item or items that you would like to contribute to our future collection related to the pandemic? We are interested in any materials or documents that reflect what has been happening in our communities.

This might include: signage, face coverings (handmade or disposable--but clean!), grocery lists, empty sanitizer bottles, emails and other messages about the pandemic, etc.

Please describe what you are interested in donating.

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* 2. Would you like to share a story about your experience during the pandemic? Please write your story below. We are interested in capturing histories of what it is like to be living through this unprecedented time in our area.

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* 3. If you shared one, may we use your oral history on our website or in other outreach (e.g. e-news, print newsletter)?

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* 4. Please provide your contact information so that we may let you know when you can drop off your donation, and/or follow-up about your oral history contribution. Contact information will not be made public.