
The School of Education values the quality of students' field and clinical experiences. To ensure that the school selects supportive cooperating teachers, we need to learn from your experiences. Therefore, we require feedback from you about your cooperating teacher.

This evaluation is based on your overall impressions of your cooperating teacher. There are a series of multiple choice questions and an opportunity to provide additional comments.

*You must complete the form in one sitting. You cannot save your entry.*
*If you have more than one cooperating teacher, complete one form for each cooperating teacher.*
*If you would like a hard copy of this form, you will need to print it out before you submit your entry.*

Note: Your responses are confidential and cannot be viewed by your cooperating teacher,
instructor, or university supervisor. The information is used, in aggregate, to make decisions about future
cooperating teacher placements, but is not associated with your name.

Click "Next" to begin.