Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your affiliation with SJA (check all that apply):

Please take a few moments to answer the following questions, ranking them from most important to least important:

Question Title

* 2. These are traits identified in the preliminary job description. Please indicate their importance to what you think SJA needs in its next Head of School:

  Most Important Fairly Important Important Slightly Important Least Important 
Strong moral character informed by the belief
that the spiritual and moral needs of the 
students should be recognized and 
supported throughout the daily routine
Strong and decisive leadership skills 
tempered by a collaborative approach to 
education and school administration
Ability to communicate timely, 
effectively and inclusively to the active and 
engaged school community
Experience with and commitment to 
young people by fostering their 
intellectual and emotional growth
A financial literacy that informs
the School’s short- and
long-term strategic priorities
An interest in developing philanthropic
support for the school
and a willingness to lead the effort
A visible, approachable, and
accessible leader for the
faculty and students
A personal/professional demeanor 
which is deliberative, even-tempered,
respectful, but yet decisive
A high level of energy fueled by an 
authentic love and joy of collaborating 
with people of all ages
Considerable experience with the use of
technology and its ability to 
support the school community
Courage to lead meaningful strategic discussions
rooted in doing what 
is best for young people as they 
prepare to be leaders in a challenging world
A willingness to learn about and embrace the
nature, history, and traditions
of the Saint James Parish/Monkton community
A willingness to learn about and engage
successfully with the
broader area’s independent
school community
In what areas of the SJA experience should a new Head of School focus attention? Please rank from most important to least important:

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* 3. Academics:

  Most Important Fairly Important Important Slightly Important Least Important
Basic literacy/reading and math skills
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Social Studies/History and Geography
Foreign languages

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* 4. Student services and support:

  Most Important Fairly Important Important Slightly Important Least Important
Racial and ethnic diversity
Financial diversity
Geographic diversity
High school placement
Dining and food services
School facilities 
Campus safety and security

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* 5. After-school and extracurricular programming:

  Most Important Fairly Important Important Slightly Important Least Important
Visual and performing arts
Community service
Extended day programs and supervision

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* 6. SJA is a parish school and an essential part of the Saint James Church. Sharing space and the same campus, it is important for the next Head of School to have a working relationship with the Parish. Please rank the following in recognition of this from most important to least important (and according to your personal experience/preference).  It would be helpful to the committee if you elaborate further on your rankings:

  Most Important  Fairly Important Important Slightly Important Least Important
Christian values
Episcopal values
Community service in alignment with the Parish’s mission
Participation in Parish services for religious holidays (Christmas and Easter)

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* 7. Please add any comments/ideas/suggestions which were not covered in this survey:

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* 8. Are there potential candidates you want to bring to our attention?