Participant Information Sheet (Part 1)

Title of Project: An investigation into the relationship between attitudes towards animals and their perceived level of mental capacity


We would like to invite you to take part in a research project. Before you decide whether to take part it is important that you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read this carefully and ask the researcher if you have any questions. Talk to others about the study if you wish.  You will have at least two days to decide if you want to take part.

What is the purpose of the study?

This study aims to examine the relationship between the perceptions of animals and the moral consideration they receive.

Why have I been invited to take part?

You have received this invitation because you are an undergraduate psychology student at the University of Worcester. We are hoping to recruit a total of 80 participants for this study.

Do I have to take part?

No. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to take part in this study. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form.

What will happen to me if I agree to take part?              

If you agree to take part you will;

·         Be asked to read a sign a consent form stating that your participant in this research is voluntary and that you understand your rights as a participant.

·         Be required to take part in the separate components of the study.

o   Part 1, demographic information questionnaire – 10 minutes

o   Part 2, attitudes towards animals scale – 15 minutes

o   Part 3, animal sentience flashcard experiment – 20 minutes
You will be required to rate the mental capacities (such as pleasure, hunger) possessed by a range of different animals, as well a self-rated score for both the moral consideration you believe the animal deserves and how you would feel about eating the animal

·         This study will be conducted online using the questionnaire-building tool ‘SurveyMonkey’, which is accessible anywhere using your University of Worcester student account.

·         This study will take ~35 minutes to complete

·         The data will be automatically recorded using SurveyMonkey

Are there any disadvantages risks to taking part?

There are no obvious risks to taking part in this research. However, this research has been ethically approved and follows strict ethical guidelines. In the event that you feel uncomfortable with the research or have any complaints, contact details for relevant persons can be found at the end of this document.