Now that we have united to win our union, our next step is to bargain a strong contract. Our input on this survey is vital to know which issues should be prioritized at the bargaining table. Our negotiating team will refer to the results of this survey during bargaining. Please complete this brief survey and return it to your SEIU 1021 organizer by Wednesday, October 17th.

Rank your priorities from 1 to 4. 1 is most important. 4 is least important.

Question Title

* 1. Across-the-board wage increases.

Question Title

* 2. Fair and equal process to become full-time.

Question Title

* 3. Improve our healthcare and retirement benefits.

Question Title

* 4. Improve our paid time off (sick time, vacation time, bereavement leave).

Question Title

* 5. Improve the scheduling process / overtime.

Question Title

* 6. More training opportunities.

Question Title

* 7. Improve procedures for workplace safety and stress reduction.

Question Title

* 8. Fair workload.

Question Title

* 9. Use the space below to tell us what other issue you would like to address during contract negotiations, or to give more detail about a specific issue (optional).

Take Action to Win a Good Contract

Our bargaining team is only as strong as the co-workers supporting them. A good contract is won by making sure everyone is informed, united and showing support.

Question Title

* 10. Please mark all activities that you are willing to commit to so we can win a strong contract.

Our Bargaining Team and CAT

The bargaining team will be made up of City of Napa part-time temporary co-workers we elect to sit down with management and negotiate our first contract. At our upcoming meetings, we will nominate bargaining team members and then have elections. The CAT (Contract Action Team) will work with the bargaining team to get information about bargaining to all union members. CAT members are selected on a volunteer basis.

Bargaining Team Member responsibilities:

•  Attend all bargaining sessions (to be scheduled with the employer at a later date). This may require meeting outside of normal work hours.

CAT Team Member responsibilities:

•  Work with the bargaining team to develop consistent messages and updates about bargaining.

•  Pass out and post the latest information about bargaining at the worksite.

•  Meet regularly with other CAT members to develop consistent messages to pass out at each worksite.•  Work with other bargaining team members to make and modify bargaining proposals.

•  Work with CAT members to ensure that information and updates about bargaining are shared.

Nominate Co-Workers for Our Bargaining Team

Which co-worker do you want to represent City of Napa part-time temporary workers at the bargaining table and fight for what matters to us?

Write in up to three City of Napa part-time temporary workers for our bargaining team (you can nominate yourself, too).

Question Title

* 11. Nomination

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* 12. Nomination

Question Title

* 13. Nomination

Become A CAT Member

Question Title

* 14. Are you interested in joining the CAT (Contract Action Team)? 

Question Title

* 15. Contact Information