EE Award Nomination Form

2020 Environmental Education Awards - Nominate incredible environmental educators today! 

There are so many individuals who have made significant contributions to Utah’s environmental education (EE) community. Nominations for Environmental Educator (formal and informal), Environmental Education Program, Environmental Education Business, Environmental Education Volunteer of the Year, and,  Environmental Education Public Service Awards are now being accepted. Recipients will be officially recognized this August - we are holding the dates of Friday August 21st and 28th. The format for the recognition is still being determined to ensure that we are in compliance with the best practices outlined by the CDC and Utah Department of Health. 

Please complete the form below to nominate an individual or program. You may submit as many nominations as you would like in each category. Simply submit this survey, then click the original survey link again to start a new form.

Thank you for your participation! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact

Question Title

* 1. Your full name.

Question Title

* 2. Your email.

1. Vern A. Fridley Environmental Educator of the Year Award – OPEN UNTIL JULY 15, 2020

Awarded to an individual who has made a major contribution to environmental education in Utah. Both formal and informal educators are considered - these individuals must be involved in education about the environment and human responsibility to it. The review committee will consider the following criteria:

What does the nominee do?
What audience(s) does he/she work with?
How does this environmental educator work to reach underserved audiences? 
How has this individual adapted and innovated their teaching during the challenges posed by the Coronavirus epidemic? 
In what ways does this person serve as a model environmental educator?
What important contribution(s) has s/he made to the field of EE or to improving environmental quality in Utah?

Question Title

* 3. Environmental Educator: Description of how Nominee meets the criteria outlined above.

Question Title

* 4. Environmental Educator: Your relation to Nominee.

Question Title

* 5. Environmental Educator: Please list the Nominee's contact information.

2. Utah Environmental Education Program of the Year Award – OPEN UNTIL JULY 15, 2020

Awarded to a program that has made an impact in the field of environmental education. This may include school outreach programs, family programs, or adult programs that connect to environmental topics. The review committee will consider the following criteria:

What is the mission or goal of the program and how does it incorporate environmental education?
What is the scope of the program (local, regional, statewide), and what audience(s) does it serve?
How does the program model quality and effective environmental education?
How does the program provide equitable experiences for learners? 
How has this program adapted or innovated to address the challenges posed by the Coronavirus epidemic? 
How has this program worked to elevate the field of environmental education in Utah?

Question Title

* 6. EE Program: What is the name of the program? 

Question Title

* 7. EE Program: Please describe how the program meets the criteria listed above. 

Question Title

* 8. EE Program: Your relation to Nominee.

Question Title

* 9. EE Program: Please list the nominee's contact information.

3. Utah Environmental Education Volunteer of the Year Award – OPEN UNTIL JULY 15, 2020

Awarded to an individual who has made a significant contribution to environmental education specifically through volunteer (unpaid) service to an environmental organization in our state. Work may include but is not necessarily limited to teaching, group facilitation, field leadership, program development, administration, writing, speaking, presentations, or fundraising. The review committee will consider the following criteria:

How has the nominee's work benefitted teaching or learning about the functions, processes, sustainability, or cultural interactions pertaining to our natural local or state environments? 
How as this person adapted or innovated to address the challenges posed by the Coronavirus epidemic? 
What is the tenure of this individual's volunteer service with the organization?  

Question Title

* 10. EE Volunteer: Description of how the Nominee meets the criteria outlined above.

Question Title

* 11. EE Volunteer: Your relation to Nominee.

Question Title

* 12. EE Volunteer: Please list the Nominee's contact information.

4. Utah Environmental Education Business of the Year – OPEN UNTIL JULY 15, 2020

Awarded to a for-profit organization that has made a major contribution to environmental education in Utah. This contribution may include but is not necessarily limited to directly educating the public, support for other EE initiatives, in-kind assistance, sustainable practices, employee efforts, and increasing environmental awareness to their community.

What does the nominee do?
What audience(s) do they work with?
In what ways does this business act as a model for environmental education efforts?
In what ways does this business act as a model in terms of sustainable practices?
How has this business adapted to the challenges posed by the Coronavirus epidemic
What important contribution(s) have they made to the field of EE or to improving environmental quality in Utah?

Question Title

* 13. EE Business: Description of how the Nominee meets the criteria outlined above.

Question Title

* 14. EE Business: Your relation to Nominee.

Question Title

* 15. EE Business: Please list the Nominee's contact information.

5. Utah Environmental Education Public Service Award – OPEN UNTIL JULY 15, 2020

Awarded to an individual who has served or is serving in a governmental capacity that in the scope of their duties has rendered vital assistance or support to Utah's community of environmental educators. 

What does the nominee do?
In what ways does this individual act as a model for environmental education efforts?
How has this individual worked to support the EE community as they adapt to the challenges posed by the Coronavirus epidemic? 
How does this individual work to ensure that all Utahns have equitable access to the environment? 
What important contribution(s) have they made to the field of EE or to improving environmental quality in Utah?

Question Title

* 16. EE Public Service: Description of how the Nominee meets the criteria outlined above.

Question Title

* 17. EE Public Service: Your relation to Nominee.

Question Title

* 18. EE Public Service: Please list the Nominee's contact information.

You may submit as many nominations as you would like. Simply submit this survey and then click the original survey link again to start a new form. Thank you for your participation!