Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Company:

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* 3. Rate the sessions overall based on relevancy, value, organization, and interactivity:

  Poor Fair Good Excellent

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* 4. Which session(s) did you find most valuable?

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* 5. How did you find the length of the sessions (1.5 hours)?

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* 6. While these sessions were not recorded, would you have participated differently if they were?

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* 7. If the sessions had been recorded, would you have used the recording?

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* 8. How did you find the networking sessions?

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* 9. In future Users Groups, which of the following areas would you like more focus on?

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* 10. What could we have done to improve this year's Users Group, given it was virtual?

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* 11. If you have attended a Users Group previously, do you prefer in-person or virtual?

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* 12. Assuming we can host an in-person event in 2021, are there things we should start, stop or keep doing?

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* 13. Assuming we can host an in-person event in 2021, how do you think we should format the event?

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* 14. If it were a hybrid event, how do you think you would attend?

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* 15. Any other comments or feedback?