UWSN Community Impact Grants - Project Planning Details

Congratulations on being approved for funding from United Way of Southern Nevada. Please complete this Project Planning Survey.

The project planning survey must be submitted before a funding agreement is sent to your organization. Contact MeganC@uwsn.org with questions.

You can review the UWSN Community Impact Logic Model at this link.
1.Organization Name
2.Primary Contact Name
3.Primary Contact Email Address
4.Please confirm that your organization would like to officially accept the grant funding approved by the UWSN Board of Directors.
5.Anticipated Project Timeline
Is this program year-round, seasonal, or ending before June 30, 2023?
6.Please describe the people your program will serve.
Include information on age, gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and special population groups.
7.Please describe the geographic reach of your program.
Remember to note relevant zip codes and/or neighborhoods for the people you *currently* serve, and if you have an understanding of where future participants will come from.
8.What is your primary program output/activity?
(e.g. # of children accessing health services, # of participants in case management, # of students enrolled, etc.)
9.How many people do you plan to serve using the approved grant funds?
(This may be the same or different from your proposal, due to funding allocations)
10.Please list any other key services people receive by participating in your program.
Also indicate the estimated number of people that might receive those services (all, some, #, %).
11.Please describe how you measure/collect information on program outputs/activities?
12.What is your primary program outcome?
(e.g. % of students graduating high school, % of people gaining full-time employment, % of people obtaining a recognized career credential, etc.)
13.How many / what percent of program participants do you expect will achieve this outcome during the year (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)?
14.Please list other key program outcomes participants can achieve by participating in your program.
Also indicate the estimated proportion of people that might achieve those outcomes (all, some, #, %).
15.Please describe how you measure/collect information on program outcomes?
16.Please select the long-term impact goal your program contributes to.
You won't have to measure this one. We track these indicators internally.