In January, Governor Wolf declared a state emergency because of the opioid epidemic. This identified the fight against opioid abuse and heroin use a top priority.  In 2016, 13 Pennsylvania residents died of a drug-related overdose each day. 

UWP has heard concerns from United Ways and legislators about how the opioid epidemic is affecting the work of United Ways. UWP is interested in learning if any United Ways have taken steps in existing programs to fight opioid abuse. We're also interested in learning whether United Ways are funding new programs or starting their own programs to address this serious problem. Please answer the following questions regarding your program and any training you'd like to see offered. 

Question Title

* 1. Name of United Way

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* 2. Contact Person

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* 3. Contact Person's Email 

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* 4. Is your United Way currently running a program, funding a program, or involved in a program to combat opioid abuse? 

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* 5. Is your United Way interested in becoming more involved in combating opioid abuse?

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* 6. Would you be willing to share what your United Way is currently doing with other state United Ways?

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* 7. If you're running or partnered with a program, please let us know the name and give us a brief description. If not, skip.

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* 8. If you're funding a program, please let us know the agency name. If not, skip. 

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* 9. Would you be interested in learning more about opioid abuse in general? 

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* 10. Would you be interested in learning more about resources already available in PA to combat opioid abuse?

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* 11. Would you be interested in learning more about what other United Ways across the state are doing to combat opioid abuse?

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please address them to