UWLSU Mental Health Awareness Week

We are collecting information to help us shape the way that we deal with Mental Health at UWL. Your answers will help us to develop an effective campaign around Mental Health. 

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* 1. How would you define Mental Health?

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* 2. Have you ever used the services offered at UWL for Wellbeing? If No why not?, If Yes, What did you think of it?

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* 3. What would you like to see from the Students’ Union to promote mental health services and general mental wellbeing?

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* 4. Do you think that UWL does enough to support students’ and there Mental Health? If no what would you do to improve this?

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* 5. What do you do to support your own mental health and wellbeing?

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* 6. What does Self Care look like to you?

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* 7. What year of study are you currently in?

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* 8. The University of West London Students’ Union is fully committed to upholding the principles laid out in the Data Protection Act 1998. The Union’s Data Protection policy is available from the Union’s website. The students’ union does a lot of research to understand our students and make sure we’re providing you with the best opportunities and support we can based on what you tell us.

Are you happy for this information to be used to help UWLSU shape our future work around Mental Health