Why this Survey
This survey is being conducted by Dr. Heather Darby and her team at the University of Vermont Extension with the goal of learning about current management practices on subsurface (tile) drained fields in Vermont. By gaining a better understanding of the acreage and cropland impacted, as well as the conservation opportunities made available by installing drainage systems, we hope to evaluate how subsurface drainage has mitigated financial and environmental risks. This material is based upon work supported by the Northeast Risk Management and Education Center.
How to Take the Survey
We are asking all Vermont farmers to participate in this survey. However, taking part in this study is fully voluntary and anonymous. You are free to not answer any questions and/or withdraw at any time.
If you choose to participate in the survey, it will take about 10 minutes to complete. All information collected will be stored without any identifiers (anonymous). To understand risk management strategies on tiled fields, we are interested in learning both the field management and conservation practices that are being used on tiled fields to produce high yielding crops while reducing potential risks to water quality.
If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact Heather Darby at (802) 524-6501. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a survey participant, you may contact the Director of UVM's Research Protections Office at (802) 656-5040.

Question Title

* 1. I understand that this survey is voluntary and that my responses will remain anonymous.