Dear Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives:  

As the 115th Congress convenes, lawmakers will address major legislative issues regarding the education of our nation's 50 million children in public schools. The National School Boards Action Center (NSBAC) requests that you complete the survey below. These questions reflect the most prominent federal issues for local school districts.

Your responses to this survey will help local school board members and their communities better understand your stance on these critical issues. We will share your responses with them on

NSBAC is a not-for-profit organization founded by the National School Boards Association to actively advocate on behalf of the more than 90,000 local school board members who are responsible for governing nearly 14,000 school districts across the country.

Thank you.

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* 1. Please provide the following information:

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* 2. What is your party affiliation?

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* 3. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reaffirms the importance of local governance and community ownership in public education. As the U.S. Department of Education continues the regulatory process, would you exercise your congressional oversight authority, if elected to the 115th Congress, to ensure that ESSA implementation stays true to the intent of the law for a balanced local-state-federal partnership in preparing all students for success? Please provide additional comments (optional).

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* 4. Local school districts collectively are the largest employer in the U.S., and educate close to 90 percent or 50 million school-age children in K-12 public schools. With that being the case, would you oppose private school vouchers and tuition tax credits that divert public resources away from public schools, if elected to the 115th Congress? Please provide additional comments (optional).

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* 5. The Child Nutrition Act, known as the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, consists of six major nutrition programs including school breakfast and lunch, expired on September 30, 2015. Congress has begun efforts to reauthorize the law. If elected to the 115th Congress, would you support legislation and/or amendments that seek to empower local school districts to provide healthy meals to all students without having to redirect funds from instruction and other school services to comply with federal mandates? Please provide additional comments (optional).

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* 6. Ensuring effective teachers, principals and other school leaders in every school is a priority for local school boards. If elected to the 115th Congress, would you support legislation and/or amendments to back local and state efforts to enhance teacher and principal effectiveness, through the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)? Please provide additional comments (optional).

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* 7. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides services and support for six million children with special needs. If elected to the 115th Congress, would you support legislation and/or amendments to fully fund the federal share at the level of 40 percent of the average per-pupil cost, as Congress originally intended when the law was passed in 1975? Please provide additional comments (optional).

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* 8. Congress is in the process of reauthorizing the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. If elected to the 115th Congress, would you support legislation and/or amendments to ensure that students have access to high-quality career and technical education programs with a strong academic component? Please provide additional comments (optional).