Navigating a Resilient Future Survey

Dear Arizona Community Partner:

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions below so that the Urban Land Institute Arizona District Council (ULI Arizona) can tailor its support for communities through its educational programming and technical assistance efforts. As we continue to navigate through these extraordinary times, ULI Arizona is thinking about how to engage most effectively to help communities meet the new development challenges facing them.

 The ULI Arizona Technical Assistance Program (AzTAP) has a long history of helping Arizona local governments and nonprofits make informed decisions about a wide array of real estate and land use opportunities and challenges. Please help us prioritize the most important topics for educational programming and technical assistance services to address local community needs now and into the future. Examples might include real estate and infrastructure finance, supply chain distribution, retail, tourism, transportation, housing affordability, economic development, social equity, strategic public-private partnerships, and healthy community design. 

COVID-19 is changing the way we interact and redesign spaces within the built environment and how building standards integrate health for the future. Now more than ever, ULI’s global access to timely information and industry thought leaders can be invaluable to helping policymakers be nimble to "what works" and build resiliency in evolving market conditions. The Covid-19 Pandemic has brought major shifts to communities, broader government policy and the private marketplace.  Major shifts such as these often energize new community initiatives, break open policy roadblocks and bring new innovation to the marketplace.  

We encourage you to complete this questionnaire as well as share it with staff and other leaders within your community. As you respond to the questions, please be specific with your answers, but note your responses do not need to reflect official policies or positions.


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* 1. What community initiatives have you dreamed about that you would most like to see materialize in your community and in Arizona during this time of change?

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* 2. List three of the most pressing issues your community should address over the next 12 months, as it relates land use and community growth, economic potential and development opportunities:

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* 3. Similarly, planning for the longer-term (more than a year), list three of the most pressing land use and community and economic development issues to address, including a time frame:

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* 4. What positive or negative impacts do you foresee resulting from the issues identified in questions 1 and 2 (such as the effect on your community’s decision-making, policies, or prioritization of projects)?

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* 5. What, if any, specific leadership assistance or support would be helpful for your community to have in order to effectively adapt to the impacts during these unprecedented times?

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* 6. The ULI Arizona Technical Assistance Program is offering a nimbler, quickly executed and specifically focused opportunity called a “Rapid Assistance Dialog”, where ULI members provide guidance on timely issues affecting communities in a two-hour virtual session. Would you please rate your community’s level of interest in this concept?

not interested very interested
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. Which best describes your municipal affiliation:

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* 8. Please provide contact information if you would like one of the ULI AzTAP Committee members to follow up with you about technical assistance opportunities.