Product presentation or other characteristics of use, such as recommendations for administration for injectable medicines, may affect the ability to use a medicine safely. For new medicines, new risks may be introduced when they are introduced to practice. Similarly, for existing medicines, overall presentation may affect the ability to use the medicine safely.

UK Medicines Information (UKMi) seeks to support the safe use of specific medicines by producing detailed reports flagging any untoward presentational or other related issues, and by suggesting mitigation steps that either manufacturers or the NHS should consider.

The reports are produced following application of a validated assessment device by 2 pharmacists, and with reference to expert pharmaceutical, medical, and nursing input where required. The reports aim to provide timely and succinct information that is useful in practice; on publication they are distributed to the NHS via NICE Evidence Services, with the full suite available here ( ir via the UKMI website here -

UKMi would like to understand from users the extent to which these reports are useful in practice and any ways in which they could be improved. To this end, we would be extremely grateful if you would complete this survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes.