United Faculty of Florida - USF, Reopening Survey 2020

This is an anonymous survey for UFF to gather information about the fall 2020 reopening during the COVID19 virus crisis.  

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* 1. Have you been on a USF campus since reopening this fall?

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* 2. What is your primary campus?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with USF's plan to reopen safely with the COVID19 virus?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the information provided by USF about the COVID19 virus?

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* 5. Please rank the interventions that you would most like to see USF implement in order to create a safe working environment:

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* 6. How concerned are you for your safety while working on campus at USF?

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* 7. Has your college or department discussed layoffs or reductions due to the economic consequences of the COVID19 virus?

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* 8. How concerned are you that USF will layoff employees due to the economic crisis?

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* 9. What is your primary mode of teaching this fall?

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* 10. How satisfied are you with technical support (CANVAS, TEAMS, classroom computers, etc.) for teaching or research in the COVID19 environment at USF?

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* 11. Have you experienced significant technical  or IT difficulty that impeded your ability to work at USF this fall?

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* 12. Has the COVID19 virus caused you to consider leaving USF by retiring, resigning, or changing professions?

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* 13. Are you familiar with the Collective Bargaining articles on Appointment (Article 8) or Layoff and Recall (Article 13)?