UDIA WA Urban Intelligence

UDIA WA is continually seeking to improve the services we provide to members. Therefore, we are undertaking a review of the information and format of the monthly Urban Intelligence Report to ensure it includes the most relevant and useful information in the best possible format.
All information given will remain confidential. Any findings or information presented will be in aggregated form only.
We appreciate you taking a couple of minutes of your time to complete the following survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. To assist UDIA to better understand the importance and application of the Urban Intelligence, please advise how your organisation uses the Urban Intelligence?
(Please select all applicable answers)

Question Title

* 2. Which sections of the Urban Intelligence do you value?

Please rate the following section/s of the Urban Intelligence on their usefulness.

  Not useful Somewhat useful Useful Very useful
Key Trends Section
Industry Update Article
Economy Section
Residential Land Development Section
Residential Property Settlements Section
Residential Property Market Section
Residential Construction Sector Section

Question Title

* 3. What is your preference for how the information in the Urban Intelligence is presented?

Question Title

* 4. We welcome your suggestions for how we can improve the Urban Intelligence Report to ensure it is user friendly and meeting the needs of members.  Please provide any suggestions or comments on what you would like included or excluded from the report:
For example: Are there any data sets which you would like to see included within the report?

Question Title

* 5. Please enter your details if you would like the opportunity to discuss your comments further with a member of the UDIA Policy and Research Team. Alternatively, please send any additional comments to policy@udiawa.com.au.