Share Your Knowledge

Do you have a presentation or session that can assist the statewide network of college access providers in helping their students and families understand and achieve their college going goals? We would love to build the Texas College Access Network (TxCAN) learning series of webinars based on your expertise and experience.

Submit a session proposal that highlights the impact that you have made or a concept that others can apply by answering the following questions. The TxCAN team will respond to your proposal within one month of submission to determine next steps or if more information is needed.

Question Title

* 1. Describe your session objectives and what you want your audience to take away and learn. (max. 200 words)

Question Title

* 2. What is your session's title? (max. 10 words)

Question Title

* 3. What questions and or problems do you hope to address in your session?

Question Title

* 4. How will attendee interaction be achieved?

Question Title

* 5. Who is the lead presenter? If applicable, please provide additional presenters names in the next questions.

Question Title

* 6. Lead Presenter Bio: Max. 100 words

Question Title

* 7. Do you have more presenters?