About the program
Please read the information below before completing the application below.
The “Tuna Diplomacy Youth Leadership Program” is a U.S. Department of State-sponsored program which brings together 17 students from The Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands (the Freely Associated States, or FAS) and five students from the U.S. for three weeks of learning, leadership development, and cultural exchange.

The program will take place June 8-29. U.S. and international participants will spend the week of June 8-16 in the Portland, Oregon area. The Portland, Oregon portion of the program will focus on developing skills for leadership to advance sustainability and advocate for environmental concerns. During the Portland portion of the program, international student participants will stay with host families (local students will not stay with host families, but ideally their home can host one or two international student participants). June 16-29 will be spent at the Oregon Coast. All participants will stay at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's (OMSI) Camp Gray. The Oregon Coast portion of the program will focus on ocean health, including marine resource management, o
cean ecology, marine habitat protection, the global effects of climate change, effects of overfishing and technologies to counter overuse of marine resources. Daily activities will include interactive workshops, visits to local organizations, meetings with youth and adult environmental leaders, and cultural activities. 

Through their participation in the program, both U.S. and international participants are expected to develop a follow-on project in their home community that addresses the program themes. 

There is no fee to participate in this program. 

Who is eligible?
U.S. student applicants must be:
-       current high school students who will be sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the 2019-2020 academic year
-       U.S. citizens
-       located in the greater Portland metro area
-       available for the entire program (note: if you are still in school for part of the program, we may be able to work with your schedule to accommodate participation in the program)

Note:  preference may be given to students who can also offer to host one or two international student participants during the Portland-area portion of the program. 

Applicants will be evaluated based on:
-       demonstrated interest in the program themes
-       prior leadership experience
-       interest in sharing knowledge gained during the program with peers and greater community by conducting follow-on projects
-       interest in learning about the cultures of the FAS
-       maturity and readiness to participate in a cultural exchange program
What is expected of U.S. Participants?
-       Full and active participation in all program activities
-       Meet all eligibility requirements stated above
-       Attend the program orientation (to be scheduled)
-       Abide by all program guidelines
What is provided by the program?
-       All meals during program activities
-       Accommodation on the Oregon Coast (June 16-28)
-       All travel to and from program activities
-       All costs associated with program activities (entrance fees, supplies, etc.)
All application materials must be submitted by May 13th, 2019.
Selected candidates will receive follow-up group interviews. All applicants will be notified of their status no later than May 23.

For questions, please contact Laura Lyons, WorldOregon Youth Leadership Coordinator, at laura@worldoregon.org or (503) 306-5244.
Application Form for Tuna Diplomacy Youth Leadership Program
Please answer the following questions. 

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information:

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* 2. What interests you about this program?

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* 3. Please describe any prior experience/education related to ocean health, marine ecology/biology, sustainability, or the environment:

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* 4. We want to ensure this program reflects the diversity of local youth, and brings together participants with different ideas, cultures, experience, and background. What unique perspective do you think you bring to the program?

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* 5. In your opinion, what is the most pressing threat to the world's oceans today?

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* 6. How do these environmental concerns affect Oregon?

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* 7. How do you think you demonstrate leadership in your school, family, or community, and how would you like to develop your leadership skills in the future?

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* 8. Participants in this program will interact with students other countries and other cultures. Please explain any experience you have interacting with diverse cultures and navigating different cultural environments.

Applicant Agreement
By typing my name below I agree that all of the information in this application is true and that if selected, I will participate to the best of my abilities in Tuna Diplomacy Youth Leadership program activities and fulfill the requirements as outlined above.

Question Title

* 9. Participant Signature and Participant/Guardian Approval