The link in each question will open a new window displaying the NHAIS Notes post that covered that topic. You may want to review the posts for any questions that you miss.

Question Title

* 1. There are 19 locations for which a single-character GAC has been assigned. What do the Geographic Area Codes "i" and "p" have in common?

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* 2. In a record for a book there is an 045 tag with the code "x8x8" in it. What does this mean?

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* 3. You have a record with "ukr" in subfield b of the 040 tag. What does that mean?

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* 4. If an 024 tag has a value of "8" in the 1st indicator. What does that tell you about the identifier in subfield a?

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* 5. What is a "control subfield'?