Outreach Summer Trout Lodge Family Retreat

You and your family can join us July 29-31, 2024 for a fun-filled 3-day/2-night adventure at the beautiful Trout Lodge.

Families from across the state of Missouri will meet to connect, create friendships, learn, and adventure together!

You’ll participate in outdoor activities, stay in a beautiful lodge, expand skills in the expanded core curriculum, eat delicious food, and get to know other families/ individuals with the shared experience of dual-sensory loss.

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* 1. We'll use your contact info to give you more information and keep in touch as we get closer to our event!

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* 2. What is the first and last name and age of your child/ dependent?
Example: John Doe, 15

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* 3. Who will be attending? Please include name, age, and relationship to the child with dual-sensory loss. 

Attendee 1: Sarah Doe, 8, sister
Attendee 2: Jane Doe, 52, mother 
Attendee 3: Amanda Smith, 25, intervener

Include whoever is planning to attend: yourself, siblings, spouses, interveners, nurses, etc. This list will help us know how many rooms, beds, and food tickets you will need.
(NOTE: You are not expected to bring 8 people. Only fill in the amount of attendees for your family.)

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* 5. What specific ADA accommodations does your family need?

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* 7. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?