#MeToo Campus Survey

Dear students and colleagues,

Sadly, the topic of sexual assault and abuse is in the headlines every day.  From the clergy sexual abuse scandal of the Catholic Church, to the allegations about Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh, to the exposure of massive cases of sexual harassment and assault by Hollywood moguls and entertainment executives, to scandalous cases of sexual assault at universities, sexual crimes seem rampant in our culture.  #MeToo is the name of a movement that has gathered survivors to speak out about their experiences and to demand change not only in laws but also in corporate conduct and personal behaviors.

Trinity is planning a symposium on #MeToo and the topic of sexual abuse and assault, particularly focusing on the Catholic clergy sex abuse scandal as well as the crisis in public life and major private corporations and universities.

We are inviting you to provide your ideas about this symposium through this survey.  This survey is ANONYMOUS.  I will also be writing about this topic on my blog and will use anonymous data and quotations from this survey.  If you do not wish quotations from your answers used on my blog, even though they are anonymous, please check the "DO NOT USE MY QUOTATIONS" box on Question #1 and I will certainly honor your request.

Thank you for your participation.


President Pat McGuire

Question Title

* 1. For survey analysis purposes, please indicate your role and preference:

Question Title

* 2. What is your opinion of the scope of the problem of sexual abuse, assault and harassment in contemporary society?

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Sexual abuse, assault and harassment are widespread conditions among all institutions and communities.
Mainstream media have effectively exposed the problem of sexual abuse and assault in society.
Educational institutions are doing enough to address the problem of sexual abuse and assault.
Congress needs to enact stricter laws to prevent sexual abuse and assault.

Question Title

* 3. Did you watch or read about the Senate Judiciary Hearing in which Dr. Christine Blasey Ford presented her allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and Judge Kavanaugh responded?  Please write your opinion of the issues that came up in the hearing in the comment box.

Question Title

* 4. Revelations continue to come out about a major scandal of clergy abuse of children and adults in the Catholic Church. Church leaders are struggling to respond to this crisis effectively.  Please provide your opinion about issues in this crisis and possible solutions:

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Clergy who commit sexual abuse and assault should be subject to criminal prosecution, not just Church sanctions.
Bishops who fail to report abusive priests to the civil authorities should be prosecuted.
Bishops who fail to report abusive priests to the civil authorities should be removed from their jobs.
The cases that came to light recently are very old and so nothing can be done about them.
Priests should be able to marry.
Women should be allowed to be priests.
Lay people should be in leadership at all levels of Church hierarchy.

Question Title

* 5. If Trinity conducts a symposium on the problem of sexual violence and the #MeToo movement, what topics would you recommend for inclusion?

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* 6. Trinity has promulgated several policy statements on Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX), and we conduct educational programs and staff training on these issues periodically.  How effective are these policies and programs?  In the comment box, please provide your suggestions about what else Trinity can do to ensure the safety of every person in the Trinity community.

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Trinity's policies on Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) are effective.
Trinity's resources to assist victims of Harassment and Sexual Assault are effective.