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Indications of ICU admission and intensive care management of patients with acute ischemic stroke

An increasing proportion of patients with severe stroke require admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) for neurological monitoring and management of post-stroke complications.

Because of the rapid and irreversible nature of ischemic brain injury, the best goal-directed therapies must begin as early as possible.

However, there is a lack of consensus regarding the recommended general management of the patients, starting from the locally agreed ICU admission criteria and therapeutic strategies. We, therefore, developed a survey to gain insight into the current clinical practice, ICU admission criteria, and management of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients.

NOTE: In order to answer, information about the patients admitted to your institution during the last 12 months is needed.

Each participant will be listed as collaborator if the final results of the survey will be published in peer reviewed journals. Thank you for participating;

the STRIKE survey steering committee

Chiara Robba, Martin Smith, Giuseppe Citerio

Question Title

* 1. Contact details will only be used for communication purposes by the STrike survey Steering Committee members, the principal Investigators and data manager as well as by the ESICM office. The contact details will stay in the database for 5 years and can be removed at any time and at the request of the registrant by sending an email to

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