SafeTREC, of the Institute for Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley, is conducting the Tribal Road Safety Data Project. The goal of this project is to improve traffic safety on tribal lands in California by improving quality of, access to, and utilization of traffic safety data. The first step in this project is to survey California Tribal communities about whether tribal roadway crash data is collected and if so, how or if that data is shared between agencies. Answers to this survey will assist SafeTREC in developing  a best practices report about collecting and sharing roadway crash and injury data on or near Tribal lands. Your responses will also help identify what may be needed to assist tribes or other agencies in the collection of roadway crash and injury data. Answers to this survey will be reported and analyzed collectively and will not be used in a way that reports individual responses.

As an alternative to submitting the survey online, you may complete, print, and submit your survey by FAX to (707) 579-9019, or scan and email the completed survey to, or mail to NIJC, 5250 Aero Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.
We appreciate your willingness to participate in this important survey. If for any reason, you don't have enough information or don't want to answer a question, please feel free to skip the question and proceed to the next one or call Joan Harper at 707 579-5507 or email for assistance.   
To begin, please click on "Next" button below.