The Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums is developing an action plan to strengthen USA-based Indigenous cultural institutions. The plan will be informed by virtual Summits, Public Hearings, and National Needs Assessment Surveys. This survey is for LIBRARIES.

Your responses will:
  • Become the voice for your community in documenting your activities and needs;
  • Help guide decision-makers and funders in developing opportunities for your community;
  • Inform the development of long-term strategies to strengthen your library; and
  • Enable you to see your needs in the context of those of your peers and in a form that you can use as a tool for raising institutional and community awareness.
After you submit the survey, you will be redirected to the "Developing an Action Plan for Indigenous Institutions" webpage where you may learn more about the Libraries Summit that was held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, join the National Planning Council, and complete the Archives and/or Museums Survey if you also provide these services. There also is a Native Artists Survey that should be shared with artists in your community.

The study is funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and is conducted by the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums. Additional support is provided by the Native Nations Institute and the American Indian Library Association.

Note: The term "Indigenous" represents all tribes, bands, nations, pueblos, rancherias, communities, Native Hawaiians and Native Alaskans.
6% of survey complete.