
Gunalchéesh, Háw’aa (Thank you) for taking the time to submit comments on the Public Review Draft of the Southeast Tribal Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Your feedback is valuable! You may also submit your comments by emailing

The comment period is open through Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

The questions below are a guide to help you submit effective feedback after reviewing the draft CEDS, available at; all questions are options and any feedback is appreciated.

Question Title

* 1. Is the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) easy to read and understand?

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* 2. Do you see your community, and/or your organization or company’s type of work reflected in the CEDS? For example, are there strategies you could see your community or organization/company collaborating on to address or accomplish?

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* 3. Do you think the strategies outlined in the plan will benefit Southeast Alaska communities’ economic future?

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* 4. How can we measure if this plan was successfully implemented in five years?

(For example, Strategy 3 on page 22 reads, “Invest in business generation and entrepreneurship through supportive education, training opportunities, and funding.” One potential way to measure the success of this strategy is if the number of employed Alaska Native people in Southeast Alaska increases over the next five years. What other ideas of measuring economic success or economic growth do you have?)

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* 5. If there are specific priorities, strategies, or sections of the plan you’d like to address, please use page numbers or sections and provide your comments below.

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* 6. What community do you live in?

100% of survey complete.