TreatHF App Feedback Survey Question Title * 1. What best describes your clinical designation? General Cardiologist Interventionalist Cardiac Surgeon Imaging Specialist Primary Care Physician Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Pharmacist Medical Trainee or Student Patient Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which information and/or functions within the app are most useful to you? (Select all that apply.) Background Therapy Additional Therapy Therapy Reference Materials Ability to email results Please explain: Question Title * 3. In which of the following ways have you used the TreatHF App and associated tools? (Select all that apply) To help standardize processes at my institution As a patient, to review my treatment options To facilitate a patient referral To guide or teach others at my practice/institution To help document a patient encounter To facilitate treatment discussions across specialties To facilitate a discussion with a patient during a visit To support my own clinical decision making Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How well does the advice in the app match your own decision making? I most often agree with the advice the app provides. I most often disagree with the advice the app provides. Sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree with the app's advice. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Overall, how useful is the TreatHF app to you? Very Useful Useful Somewhat useful Not very useful Not at all useful Please explain: Question Title * 6. Would you recommend the TreatHF app to a colleague? Yes No Question Title * 7. Which best describes your current practice environment? Private Practice Hospital Integrated Health Care System Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Do you practice mostly within the US or internationally? I practice in the US. I practice internationally. Question Title * 9. Which best describe how often you use other clinical decision support apps? Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never Please specify some of the apps you use: Question Title * 10. What suggestions do you have for improving the TreatHF app? Done