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The district has communicated proposed changes to the PTR bus services for the 2019-20 school year via our district newsletter/website and letter to PTR riders (March 25).  Communication on the proposed changes give all parents a clearer picture of how the school and bus schedule MIGHT look under the proposal changes.  

This survey is your opportunity to provide feedback to help guide the board of education as they weigh this possible change. Once a decision is made, the transportation department will mail a finalized letter later prior to the end of the school  year.  

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* 1. Do you currently use the district's Pay-to-Ride (PTR) bus services

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* 2. How many family members currently use the PTR bus services

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* 3. Would you continue to use the PTR bus services with the new proposed changes for the 2019-20 school year?

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* 4. If you continue to use the PTR bus services for the 2019-20 school year, what bus stop location would be closest to you?

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* 5. What concerns do you have with the proposed changes to the PTR bus services for the 2019-20 school year?

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* 6. What changes to the current proposed to the PTR bus services would you want the district and school board to consider?

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* 7. Rate your level of support for the proposed changes to the PTR bus services for the 2019-20 school year?

0 of 7 answered