
This survey forms part of an evaluation conducted by the CREATE Foundation of a program, supported by all state and territory governments, in which young people about to exit the out-of-home care system were provided with supporting resources to assist their planning for the future. The purpose of this project is to determine the usefulness of the resources (called the Go Your Own Way Kit) for the young care leavers.

You are invited to participate if you have been a caseworker / case manager over the last 12 months for any young person in out-of-home care aged 17 years  in 2014 (i.e., born in 1997). These were the young people who each received a GYOW Kit. We are interested in the views of the young people and their caseworkers to determine how useful the Kit was in assisting transition planning, and what might be done to improve its effectiveness.

Responses are anonymous and will be treated confidentially. Data will be reported only in aggregated form from jurisdictions.

The survey comprises 13 questions, seven of which require selecting a response from alternatives, and six that are open-ended. This task should take no more than 15–20 minutes to complete (depending on the number of young people you have supported).

CREATE is grateful to all those who devote the time to sharing their thoughts on this important subject.