Thank you for volunteering your time and expertise to support the Eureka! program and our Eureka! scholars! The dates for the 2018 Eureka! Summer program on the UMass Amherst campus are July 9- August 3, Monday-Thursday.
For All Volunteers: 
This survey is to collect initial contact information for summer 2018 and to register you for one of the mandatory April training & networking sessions on UMass Amherst campus. After the trainings, we will send a final survey asking for detailed information about your proposed workshop(s).

Question Title

* 1. Full Name:

Question Title

* 2. Department/School:

Question Title

* 3. Preferred Email Address:

Question Title

* 4. My position at UMass is:

Question Title

* 5. Which training date will you be attending? Please note the time and location for your training.
Breakfast/Lunch will be provided

Question Title

* 6. What is the general topic of your workshop?
Don't worry if you haven't figured this out yet, we are just getting a sense of who you are and what you have in mind.
Immediately after the April trainings you will receive a more detailed questionnaire for specifics

Question Title

* 7. Have you participated in the Eureka! before?