Organizers may submit this completed application form or for more space, provide a proposal that addresses each section below. Application packages that are written for a general audience without consideration of Tourism Investment Fund (TIF) requirements will not be considered.
Consult the TIF Guidelines document to help guide you through this application.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Event/Festival/Conference:

Question Title

* 2. Organization/Main contact:

Question Title

* 3. Event dates:

Question Title

* 4. Location(s) in Burlington:

Question Title

* 5. Number of Attendees:

Question Title

* 6. Number of Attendees from outside 40km:

Question Title

* 7. Funding: Project budget, funding requested, how funds to be spent

Question Title

* 8. Describe: In 50 words or less, describe your event

Question Title

* 9. Focus: What is your focus or genre (festival, community event, conference, sporting tournament)?

Question Title

* 10. New or Returning: Is this a new or returning event? Where was the event held previously, including hotels? If not new, describe any new actions that will be taken to attract additional out-of-town visitors and/or overnight stays.

Question Title

* 11. Burlington as a Destination: What is the benefit of hosting your event in Burlington? How will it leave a legacy?

Question Title

* 12. Sustainable: How can your organization deliver the event effectively? How does your event incorporate environmentally sustainable practices?

Question Title

* 13. Placement & Branding: How does your event enhance the Burlington image? How will you recognize Tourism Burlington?

Question Title

* 14. Target Audience: Who is your target audience and why?

Question Title

* 15. Partnerships: What other partners have been secured/are being sought (hotels, funders, other)?

Question Title

* 16. Economic & Social Impact: Describe plans to increase the event’s economic and social impact locally (hosting dinner, team-building activity, visits to attractions, walking tours, local engagement etc.)

Question Title

* 17. Overnight Stays: How many booked-and-paid-for room nights will your event generate and at which hotels? (Minimum is 20)

Question Title

* 18. If you’ve already been in contact with Burlington hotels, please list all the hotels you are partnering with for this event.

Question Title

* 19. Legacy: Will your event leave a legacy in Burlington? (I.e., equipment, clinics, school visits, growth of sport or activity locally, donation to a charity etc.)

Question Title

* 20. Data Collection: How can Tourism work with you to collect tourism-related data from your visitors (list tools, timing or ideas)?

Question Title

* 21. Repeat: Is there a possibility that this event will continue to be hosted in Burlington in the future?

Question Title

* 22. Communications & Exposure: Attach your communication plan or provide marketing highlights.

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Final Report: Fund recipients must submit a final report to Tourism Burlington within 60 days after the completion of the event that includes:
  • Written confirmation from the Burlington accommodations noting the actual number of room nights generated from the event
  • The total number of attendees
  • The percentage of attendees who travelled over 40km one way to attend the event
  • Description of the event’s ability to leave a legacy in Burlington
  • Description of the additional events that impacted the event’s economic impact
  • Sample of marketing materials to illustrate recognition of Tourism Burlington
To ask for clarification or assistance with the Tourism Investment Fund and its documents, contact Natasha Piroutz, Manager, Destination Development, at