Survey for TSN Members - COVID/Post - COVID Priorities and Sector Table Restructuring

Dear TSN Members

The Toronto Shelter Network (TSN) was established in 2015 to support emergency shelters across Toronto to more effectively meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness.  That same year we held a number of planning sessions with Toronto's emergency shelter providers to establish our vision, mission and values.  We also developed our first action plan which focused on:
1. Building an effective and sustainable membership model and organization;
2. Engaging shelter providers in continuous quality improvement;
3. Advocating for policies and resources for the shelter system;
4. Developing collaborative services and programs together with shelter providers.

Over the past four years, we have completed many of our objectives. A few examples: 
- Our membership includes more than 90% of the city's emergency shelters, and this past year we invited respite providers and 24 hour drop-ins to join the TSN.
- We have hosted four full day professional development conferences attended by over 150 shelter staff annually.
- We have a robust website that is used as a communications platform for the sector.
- We facilitate coordination, collaboration and service planning as staff support to the sector tables.
- We meet quarterly with SSHA to discuss and problem solve shelter wide issues (i.e., shelter standards, occupancy pressures, workforce development, health services).

At this time, the TSN Board of Directors is embarking on a planning process in order to develop a strategic plan that will guide the organization over the coming 3 - 5 years. As a member based organization, the perspectives and ideas of TSN's members is critical to the planning process and over the coming month we will be reaching out in different ways to consult with TSN members.

As a first step, we are inviting all TSN members to complete this survey. 

The survey will require about 15 minutes of your time.  The survey will be open until Friday August 23, 2019.  The survey is confidential in that you do not need to provide your name.  We are seeking divergent perspectives and idea.
Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you very much for your time!
Sonja Nerad
TSN Executive Coordinator on behalf of the Board of Directors