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Consultation on the toolkit for completing a National Wetland Inventory  

This consultation process is designed to solicit feedback from Contracting Parties to finalise the toolkit for completing a National Wetland Inventory. 

The toolkit was developed by the Ramsar Secretariat to guide Contracting Parties through the process of undertaking a National Wetland Inventory. Furthermore, it places the implementation of an inventory in the broader context for informing policies and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to ensure that the outputs are used effectively once an actual inventory is completed. It includes a range of examples to share good practices and experiences, as well as recommendations from the Ramsar Secretariat. It is based on the extensive technical guidance and resource documentation developed by the Convention on Wetlands over the past decades.

Your timely response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for sending your answers by 13 January 2020.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. A. The content of the toolkit

1. Is the language used in the toolkit easy to understand?

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* 3. 2.    Is the level of the content adapted to your needs?

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* 4. 1.    Is there any content missing that you think it should be included?

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* 5. Is there any section of the toolkit which should be more fully developed?

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* 6. Do you have any examples of good practice from your country that you think should be included in the toolkit?

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* 7. Do you have any example of challenges or lessons learnt from your country that you think should be included in the toolkit?

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* 8. Please provide any other comments that you feel would improve the utility of the toolkit

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* 9. B. The functionality of the toolkit
Are  the links and pop-ups in the text easy to use and helpful in your opinion?

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* 10. Did you experience any difficulty while using the toolkit?

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* 11. Please provide any other comments that you feel would improve the utility of the toolkit

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* 12. C. The flow of the toolkit

Does the structure of the toolkit seem logical to you?

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* 13. Please provide any other comments that you feel would improve the utility of the toolkit

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* 14. D. Content on training 

When thinking about receiving training support for undertaking or completing an NWI, what would you find most useful and in which format? Please specify themes or specific subjects and different training methods (e.g. video, face to face training, workshop, online courses). Please be as precise as possible.

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