How can Toi Māori thrive and how can artist be best supported?


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* 1. What is your name? (optional)

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* 2. What is your hapu?

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* 3. What is your iwi?

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* 4. How long have you been learning or practicing your art form?

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* 5. Where have you learnt your art form?

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* 6. What is your main artform/s?

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* 7. Where do you currently practice / create / share your art form/s?

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* 8. Where would you like or prefer to practice / create / share your art form/s?

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* 9. How much time do you spend making art?

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* 10. What do you enjoy most about your practice? What impact has it had on you and those around you?

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* 11. What do you think of the idea of a Waikato Toi Māori hub? A multi-purpose facility or centre dedicated to sharing, learning and performance. How would you use it? Where could it be?

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* 12. What or who inspired your interest in becoming an artist?

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* 13. What are your goals for your arts practice?

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* 14. What kind of help do you need to achieve your aspirations?

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* 15. Would you be interested in a workshop that teaches about creating an arts business? If so, what would you like that to include?

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* 16. Creative Waikato is an organisation set up to support all artists and all art forms for all people.  Would you prefer:

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* 17. How do/would you like to receive information about Māori arts?

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* 18. Have you ever applied for funding for your arts practice? If yes, how did that go?

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* 19. Thinking about Māori arts overall, do you have any other ideas about how the sector could be better supported?

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* 20. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

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* 21. Once we've got all the responses back from this survey and other hui in the Waikato, we are going to draft a report about it. Would you like to see it and give us your feedback? If yes, please tell us your email address

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* 22. Would you like to receive information about Toi Māori opportunities, events and networking and learning workshops? If yes, please tell us your email address