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Is Time Your Friend or Your Enemy? Why?

You have a relationship with your family, friends, co-workers … but did you know that you have also a relationship with “time”? Not the clock on the wall, the color coded google calendar or the alarm on the iPhone, but the perception of what time is and how it should be. 

Do you know that how you relate to “time” directly effects how you view the word - how much fun or struggle you have, how you relate to your family and friends, how you create your business or how satisfied are your with your job and finances?
Are you curious? Take this short 14 question survey and you will see.

Choose one answer that best describes you:

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* 1. I meet my deadlines

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* 2. Time is money

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* 3. I look forward to fun big events in the future (birthdays, vacations, etc)

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* 4. If you ask me what I did last weekend, I would have a hard time to remember

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* 5. Time waits for no one

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* 6. I go with the flow

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* 7. It is rude when others come late.

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* 8. I like to keep my options open

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* 9. I am very good at planning.

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* 10. Being 10 / 15 minutes late is not really a big deal

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* 11. I am the life of the party

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* 12. I think about the past often

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* 13. I tend to lose track of time

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* 14. The past is the past - I don’t worry much about it.

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