Ticket Giveaway Registration |

Ticket Giveaway - What is it?
From time to time different organizations donate FREE tickets to the Family Program Office to be given away to Service Members on a fist-come, first-served basis. Usually, there is very little notice associated with the arrival of these tickets. In order to facilitate timely notice and delivery of these tickets for you and your friends/family to enjoy, we are now starting a pre-registration process for those who are interested.
During this registration process you will select what type of events you are interested in. When we receive tickets that match the category(s) that you select, your name will be pulled and added (in random order) to a list of interested parties. A Family Program staff member will then start calling down the list to find those who will be able to attend the event. If there is time, we may be able to mail you the tickets, otherwise you may have to pick them up from the Family Program Office.
Your information will only be used for notification of ticket availability and will only be accessed by Family Program staff members.
Who is eligible?
---Current Service Members of the Colorado National Guard
---Current Spouses/Partners of the Colorado National Guard
---Current Civilian Employees and Contractors of the National Guard
**Each qualifying adult should only register once.**
If you agree to the process outlined above and want to register you/your family, please press 'next'.
During this registration process you will select what type of events you are interested in. When we receive tickets that match the category(s) that you select, your name will be pulled and added (in random order) to a list of interested parties. A Family Program staff member will then start calling down the list to find those who will be able to attend the event. If there is time, we may be able to mail you the tickets, otherwise you may have to pick them up from the Family Program Office.
Your information will only be used for notification of ticket availability and will only be accessed by Family Program staff members.
Who is eligible?
---Current Service Members of the Colorado National Guard
---Current Spouses/Partners of the Colorado National Guard
---Current Civilian Employees and Contractors of the National Guard
**Each qualifying adult should only register once.**
If you agree to the process outlined above and want to register you/your family, please press 'next'.