
The Quality Management Advisory Committee (QMAC) is comprised of Minnesota funders, providers, and consumers of publicly funded HIV/AIDS services. QMAC provides advice on quality management initiatives across publicly-funded HIV/AIDS services including reviewing the annual funder quality management plan, establishing quality goals and measures, provider site visit process, provider quality improvement plan process, and assisting in forming a Quality Learning Community.

Purpose and Outcomes - Provide advice to the funders of HIV/AIDS services in Minnesota to advance quality management as mandated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Membership - Membership is open to staff of service providers, volunteers, consumers, and citizens without any agency affiliation. All funders will each have a representative on the QMAC.  The MN HIV/AIDS QMAC shall consist of enough members to enable the committee to achieve representation from consumers and all publicly funded service areas. Consistent attendance at meetings will be important for all members in order to fulfill their responsibilities. Membership shall be composed of six consumers, six funders, and eight providers. 

Roles and Responsibilities – The following are the roles and responsibilities of the QMAC
-Operations. Establish and follow the work plan, operating procedures, and policies to ensure smooth, efficient and fair operations. This includes adherence to any quality management requirements established by HRSA, CDC, and funder agencies.
-Review and Advise. Work with and advise funders on the establishment of quality management goals, plans, and plan evaluations.
-Recruit and Convene. Work with and advise funders on recruiting, convening and providing training for the Quality Learning Community.
-Decision-making. QMAC is an advisory committee that will make recommendations. Ultimate decision-making responsibility lies with the funders in line with their federal funding requirements. The QMAC members will endeavor to make any decisions by consensus (defined as the willingness to ‘live’ with the decision if not in whole-hearted agreement).  If consensus is not possible, a vote will be called.  
Applications are accepted at all times during the year. Candidates will be contacted as positions become open