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* Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Please take a few moments to let us know what are some of your capacity building needs.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself.

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* What type of programming are you doing with your CTCP funding?

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* What populations are you targeting with your CTCP funding?

Over the past 12 months, The LOOP has been hard at work providing webinars and trainings, providing technical assistance, and launching an informational website and an online peer-to-peer exchange. Now we would like to know if we are providing you and your fellow tobacco control advocates the information you need to address health equity concerns in California tobacco control.

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* 1. Given your experience with tobacco control work, would you consider yourself:

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* 2. Health equity concerns in California tobacco control  is a broad domain. What areas would you like The LOOP to focus on in upcoming year? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. What are some hot topics that practitioners often struggle with or that reflect a particularly tough problem for you that The LOOP could address?

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* 4. Is a lack of public policies adding to some of the challenges you have faced in doing tobacco control work?

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* 5. How can we accommodate the needs and priorities of diverse communities?

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* 6. How can we accommodate you and your group's needs and priorities to serve diverse communities?