Thank You for supporting Fredericksburg Downtown Local Businesses!

Want a chance to win one of five weekly $25 Downtown gift card prizes just for supporting your favorite local places? Follow the steps below! It's our way to say we are grateful for your love of the Downtown.

1) Decide which business(es) you’d like to pay it forward to this week. Consider visiting for a directory or donate to our Museums and our nonprofits.

2) Attached a screenshot of your receipt(s) showing $25 or more in purchases or donations made to Fredericksburg Downtown businesses in the form below.

3) Once a week we’ll draw five winners who’ve sent in receipts totaling at least $25 to get a $25 Downtown Gift Cards. Winners will be drawn each Monday for the previous Monday-Sunday period.

Thank you for supporting Downtown! 
Together we are FXBG STRONG!

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out the information below.

Question Title

* 2. Show us your receipts from Downtown businesses. Winners will be drawn each Monday for the previous Monday-Sunday period. Receipts must show date, business name and amount spent.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. If I win, please donate the $25 Downtown gift card(s) on my behalf.

Question Title

* 4. I/We give Fredericksburg VA Main Steet premission to use our names for promotion purposes only if we win $25 Downtown Gift Cards.

Question Title

* 5. Please add my contact to Fredericksburg VA Main Street's newsletter.

Thank you for supporting Fredericksburg Downtown businesses.

If you are a winner, your Downtown Gift Card(s) will be mailed to the address given above. All winners will post on Monday afternoon on Fredericksburg Downtown Facebook page. All information must be completed to be eligible.  Please contact with questions and concerns.

This promotion was made possible by Fredericksburg, VA Main Street, a 501c3 nonprofit, and a grant from VA Main Street.  To learn more about how Fredericksburg Main Street supports our Downtown businesses or to donate to support Main Street’s efforts, please visit