Teaching Technologies Online During Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly plunged Australian teachers into the world of online teaching and learning.

As a profession we need to have a broad-based snap-shot of what actually occurred during 2020 from the teachers' perspective in both Digital and Design and Technologies.

Through this survey we are hoping to identify challenges, successes and innovative and engaging practices that evolved to ensure that together we can learn and continue to evolve as an essential 21st century curriculum area.

This survey will be shared throughout national memberships of DATTA and ACCE.

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* 1. Would you be willing for your survey responses to be anonymously shared with university researchers and analysed by them for the purpose of research publication? (Your identity would not be revealed at any point.)

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* 2. Where do you teach?

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* 3. What best describes your school's location?

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* 4. In which sector is your school?

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* 5. My school is a...

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* 6. I teach... (select at least one)

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* 7. Learning areas I teach in (select at least one)

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* 8. To what degree do you feel you changed your normal teaching content for online learning?

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* 9. Which areas of your normal content did you have to modify the most?

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* 10. What content did you focus on delivering during online teaching and learning?

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* 11. What techniques did you use / develop to deliver new or modified content?

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* 12. What new or modified content / resources did you use or create?

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* 13. Where did you find support to help guide your transition to online teaching and learning?

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* 14. What teaching practices worked best for online learning?

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* 15. What teaching practices were less successful in your experience?

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* 16. Did your approach to online teaching incorporate more student-directed learning than would normally occur in your classroom?

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* 17. What teaching practices will you continue to use or develop from this experience?

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* 18. Has your perception of what is possible in the Technologies learning area changed through this experience? If so, how?

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* 19. What support would you like in the future to deliver innovative and engaging Technologies education at school or online?

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* 20. Would you be happy to share some of your content for online teaching and learning?

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* 21. Would you be happy to talk further about your experience with online teaching and learning?

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* 22. Any additional comments about your experience?