Montshire STEM Alliance's Professional Development Program for Teacher Leaders

The Montshire STEM Teacher-Leader Certificate Program (Teacher-Leader Program) is designed to develop and support a network of classroom teachers who have the tools, knowledge, and passion to become the teacher-leaders for STEM education in their schools. Over the course of the school year, teachers participating in this certificate program will receive extensive professional development in STEM education, work side-by-side with fellow educators who also have a goal of improving their practice, be coached and mentored by experts in K-8 STEM education, and develop the skills and theoretical science understanding to support the science education in their own classroom to infuse a culture of science in their school.  Each educator will also have the opportunity to develop a professional development for their peers with the support of the group.

Applications due September 1 and require your principal's support.  Notification of acceptance by September 10.

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* 1. Applicant information

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* 2. Please briefly describe your interest in participating in this program.

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* 3. What science topics do you feel the strongest as a teacher? (200 words or less)

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* 4. What science topics do you feel the least confidence as a teacher? (200 words or less)

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* 5. What do you love about teaching science? (200 words or less)

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* 6. Describe your science teaching methods. (200 words or less)

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* 7. How would you like to support other teachers in your school in the field of science (200 words or less)

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* 8. In what ways have you shown yourself to be a leader in your school? (200 words or less)

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* 9. Are you available to participate the following dates? If multiple participants have conflicts with any dates we will find a new date to meet. During the year we will have additional shorter zoom meetings that will get scheduled closer to the date.