Feedback Survey

Thank you so much for participating in our Stronger Together Mental Wellbeing Hui on the 2nd May.  You may have attended in person or online. We would really appreciate you providing feedback on the Hui by completing this short survey.  The survey will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. A summary of feedback will be shared on the Te Hau Toka Hui webpage, and in our evaluation report.  Your responses are anonymous; your name and/or organisational affiliation are not required. Thank you so much.

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how do rate the Hui?

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* 2. Please rate each of the following parts of the Hui.

  Very poor Poor Neither poor nor good Good Very good
Quality of the speakers
Relevance of the topics to you
Opportunity for discussion at the event
Organisation of the event
Opportunity for networking
The venue- Holiday Inn

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* 3. Please tell us more about your ratings here 

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* 4. What was the highlight of the Hui for you?

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* 5. What key message - if any - from the Hui have you taken back to your workplace or shared with others?

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* 6. Would you be interested in attending another wellbeing event or conference in our region?

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* 7. What do you think are the next steps in promoting mental wellbeing in the Southern Lakes?