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Dorchester County Recreation and Parks Public Survey

Public input for inclusion in the 2022 Land Preservation Parks & Recreation Plan for Dorchester County

Question Title

* 3. In the past year what Recreation and Parks facilities and / or programs have you or someone in your immediate family used?  (Check ALL that apply)

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* 4. What type of facilities and / or programs do you and your immediate family use most frequently?

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* 5. How often do you or those in your immediate family visit Dorchester County parks or recreational facilities?

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* 6. How do you usually hear about Dorchester County Recreation and Parks programs?  (Check ALL that apply)

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* 7. On a scale from 1 - 5, with 5 being highly satisfied and 1 being not at all satisfied, if you or an immediate family member participated in a Recreation and Parks sponsored program in the last year,  how satisfied were you with the quality of the program?

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* 8. On a scale from 1 - 5, with 5 being highly satisfied and 1 being not at all satisfied, if you or an immediate family member used a public park or facility in the last year, how satisfied were you with the quality of the park or facility?

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* 9. With a rank of 5 being highly important at this time and a rank of 1 being not important at this time, please indicate the importance of each of the following goals.

  1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Creating new parks / open spaces
Creating more public access to water
Creating multi-use trails
Creating play areas / recreation for youth
Creating more cultural / historical attractions
Creating more adult recreational programming
Creating more recreational programming for seniors
Developing additional athletic fields for youth
Preserving environmentally sensitive areas
Protecting farmland from development

Question Title

* 10. What improvements can we make to our existing parks or programs, and what additional park amenities or new programs do you think our County should work to make available?

0 of 10 answered