1. Register for mass, or tell us your not coming this summer:

Question Title

* 1. Of my family, this questionnaire applies to:

Question Title

* 2. When the parish opens for mass (aiming for the second weekend of July), I will be attending this summer:

Question Title

* 3. I would be attending mass in July and August:

Question Title

* 4. If we have to change or add mass times to accommodate everyone in light of the 50 person limit, my preferred weekly mass time is (weekday option is instead of weekend, while Sunday mass obligation remains suspended):

  First choice Second choice
I won't be coming this summer
5pm (Saturday) 
9am Sunday
5pm Sunday
7pm Sunday
Weekday 9am 
Weekday 7pm 

Question Title

* 5. I am interested in volunteering to be a greeter/usher during mass (training will be provided):

Question Title

* 6. I am interested in volunteering to call others from the parish list who do not have internet access to complete this questionaire for them, beginning next Saturday

Question Title

* 7. I have a child in First Communion or Confirmation catechesis

Question Title

* 8. To Register for Mass attendance, or even if not coming: